1. Rapporten van organisaties
Via Medica Report : How to handle import containers safely
EOM Society : Transport Unions fumigated containers awareness cards
UK P&I Club : Fumigation of ships and their cargoes
Marine Insight : Risks of explosions during cargo fumigation
The North of England P&I Association : Risks of explosions during cargo fumigation
GTAS : Code of Practice for Fumigation and Pest control
IMFO : Code of Practice on Safety and Efficacy for Marine Fumigation
Global Shippers Forum : Working with containers - a keynote guide for managers
International Transport Federation : Transport unions taking action on fumigation and toxic gas
FNV : Werken met gassen in containers
2. Ongevallen artikels
GARD : Fumigation of cargo on board ships : the invisible killer
3. Wetenschappelijke artikels
BioMed Central : Accidental exposure to gas emissions from transit goods treated for pest control